IMPORTANT - Street Seal Coating Project - September 8 and 10, 11 and 12 - Resident Preparation Required

Revised: 9/5/20 9:00 am

Hi Neighbors,

The street seal coating project is scheduled for September 10th through September 12th (weather dependent). In addition, we have scheduled a street sweeper to come in on Tuesday, September 8th, around 10 am. All streets will be swept on this day.

The map that shows which streets are being worked on each day can be found at this link:

Homeowner Responsibilities:

All vehicles MUST be moved off the streets the night before seal coating work starts on an affected street. Once work is completed for the day, cars cannot be moved back until 9PM to give the seal coat time to cure. PLEASE – NO BIKES, SKATEBOARDS, GOLF CARTS, SCOOTERS, ETC. NOTE: Any vehicles left on the affected streets will be towed at the owner’s expense.

Please coordinate with your construction crews, landscapers and other vendors to let them know what day they will not have direct access to your house on the day of street sweeping (9/8/20) and the day your street is being worked on.

The HOA board requests you cut/trim all foliage, weeds and grass that grow at the edge of the asphalt and your curb/driveway as this will prevent the seal coat from covering the entire street. We request that you actually edge the grass a couple of inches away from the asphalt. If this is not done by the homeowner, the HOA will hire a landscaper to do it. We highly recommend that you perform the work as the landscaper might not execute the way you would like it done!

Affordable Asphalt crews will start each workday power brushing and blowing off the roads. There may be some dirt or small bits of debris that blow into a yard. The HOA will have a street sweeper come in on September 8th to reduce the amount of dirt on the streets. Detour signs and road signs will be set up as necessary.

What to expect from the seal coat project:

Please check the website during the project for any additional updates. Thank you for your cooperation!